Alistair Stafford

Co-Founder, Operations

Hey! I'm an entrepreneur from the UK who is passionate about helping other business owners win, serving as the cold email expert here at Crevzo.

My mission is to inspire go-getters to chase and pursue their dreams by offering my learnings and experiences picked up during my journey as a freelance email marketer turned outbound agency owner.

Alistair Stafford

✔ Certified by Top Marketing platforms

"One of my goals is to travel to Belize in South America and visit his late uncle's memorial stone, located deep in the jungle."

  • Entrepreneurial Dreams

    Alistair has always harbored a desire to be an entrepreneur. He aims to help other business owners succeed with their dreams and goals.

  • conservational volenteer

    Alistair works with his local community to bring grassland back to life by planting wildflowers and introducing insects into new untouched environments.

  • psychological passion

    Alistair's passion lies in understanding how people think, buy, and respond. He is fascinated by buying psychology and what causes us to make our decisions.

Federico Pérez

Co-Founder, Revenue

An Argentine entrepreneur focused on implementing new ways of creating business relationships through effective communication and mutual trust.

His mission is to inspire businesses to work with values of positivity and collaboration, where all individuals can share their virtues and passions in their work groups. 

About me (fede)

One of Fede's dreams is to be able to work and travel around the world at the same time in a big camper van. 🚎

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